12 juni 2019

Cursus Server-Side Ad Insertion [VOL]

Tickets € 1195 EXCL. BTW (€1450 INCL. BTW)

Datum & tijd

Wednesday 12 June 13.00-17.00 Thursday 13 June 9.00-13.00

We offer this course in collaboration with Eyevinn.

Server-Side Ad insertion (SSAI) is a technology that allows personalized and programmatic insertion of ads already at the server side. Attending this workshop will help you and your organization to understand the underlying components in a SSAI system and better use this knowledge as a foundation for designing an efficient SSAI architecture. You will get an understanding of the capabilities needed in an end-to-end SSAI platform and get detailed knowledge of some of the key technologies specific to an SSAI solution. The workshop also includes a hands-on walkthrough of a reference setup of SSAI from the input feed (MPEG-TS with SCTE-35 markers) through the player. The workshop is led by one of Eyevinns’s senior streaming experts.

You can find a more detailed description of the topics covered in this course on this page.

De cursus in juni is vol! Mocht je geïnteresseerd zijn om deze cursus in het najaar te volgen, mail dan naar talent@mediaperspectives.nl, dan zetten we je op de lijst.