Ben Kreimer - BuzzFeed, The Drone Journalism Lab at the University of Nebraska
[English language text below]
Deze Masterclass gaat in op de mogelijkheden van journalistieke verslaglegging met drones, en verkent de mogelijkheden die ontstaan rond de data verzameld door drones en sensors. Lezing en uitgebreid vraaggesprek.
Ben Kreimer is een pionier op het gebied van nieuwe technologie, en iemand die met drones al diverse bijzondere projecten heeft gerealiseerd. Hij is ''beta fellow'' bij BuzzFeed’s Open Lab fellowship, en adviseur voor het Drone Journalism Lab en het in Kenya gevestigde SkyCAM. Kreimer onderzoekt het gebruik van drones en open source sensor platforms als nieuwe middelen om data te verzamelen en verhalen te vertellen. Met drones biedt hij een nieuw perspectief op gebeurtenissen, onder andere door de verzamelde data om te zetten in de 3D werelden die online gedeeld kunnen worden.
Kreimer werkte onder andere voor Columbia’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism, M.S. University of Baroda (India), UCLan’s Civic Drone Centre (UK), CCTV Africa, Times of India, VICE News, The Star (Kenya), African Wildlife Foundation en Kenya Tourism Board.
Ben Kreimer - BuzzFeed, The Drone Journalism Lab at the University of Nebraska
Drones make it possible to turn real world landscapes and structures into interactive, immersive 3D video game-like environments for embedding into web pages and Facebook News Feeds, and viewing on mobile devices, desktop computers and VR headsets. In his presentation, journalism technologist and BuzzFeed Open Lab beta fellow Ben Kreimer will show how media makers can use drones to produce 3D content for publishing online. He will also share examples of open source sensor projects that demonstrate how sensors can provide novel data and new perspectives for storytelling.
Ben is a journalism technologist and international drone journalism adventurer. He is the beta fellow for BuzzFeed’s Open Lab fellowship, and technologist and adviser for the Drone Journalism Lab and Kenya based African SkyCAM. Ben explores the use of drones and open-source sensor platforms as new tools for gathering data and telling stories. His drone work focuses on exposing and telling stories in new ways through the unique perspectives and visual experiences that only drones can provide. Recently he has been using drones and aerial imagery to turn landscapes and structures into immersive three-dimensional environments for publishing and sharing online.
Ben has worked with academic institutions and media organizations including Columbia’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism, the M.S. University of Baroda (India), UCLan’s Civic Drone Centre (UK), CCTV Africa, Times of India, VICE News, The Star (Kenya), African Wildlife Foundation, Kenya Tourism Board and archaeologists in Turkey.