Cursus Storytelling HU
6 februari 2020

Storytelling (English)

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Inschrijven € 1195 (free from VAT)


Aangeboden door onze partner Hogeschool Utrecht.


Incompany, HU locaties


Maximum 12

Course dates

6 February – 9 April 2020

You find stories, myths, gossip, rumours, corporate stories and other narratives in every organization, community and family. What do these stories mean? What do they do? And how can you make them work for you? Find the answer to all these questions – and more – in this intensive course.

We all use stories in communications, sometimes deliberately, other times because it is the way we talk, share knowledge, exchange ideas and experiences.  But what stories do, their impact and how they cause action and move, is often a case of trial and error.

Very few people realise that storytelling is more than just telling stories. In this course you will learn what stories do and what the effect of storytelling is. You will experience the impact of stories, how they mobilize organizations and communities and how you can use this natural phenomenon in your own practice of communication, journalism and change.

Anyone who wants to make a difference, optimize communication or works in change within an organization, for clients, patients, influencers in the political arena, beneficiaries, sponsors etc. If you are a professional in communication, healthcare, politics, humanitarian aid, advertising, leadership, change consultant, you are welcome to join the course. We welcome a variety of participants from different background.

During 8 sessions, we work on storytelling strategy, tactics and how to implement stories in your own practice.  Many live cases and examples from international organizations act as benchmark or discussion material for the group. We welcome input from the participants.
The sessions content:

  • The storytelling landscape; about stories, narratives, tales and their impact and effect
  • Storytelling in communication: how different types of storytelling influence behaviour
  • Close the gap: engage and connect objectives with stories (bridging, bonding, branding)
  • Storytelling in business; DIY with one liners, presentations and influencing reputation
  • Storytelling dynamics: stories in social networks, media and multimedia
  • Cocreating stories: how to engage and connect in written, digital and verbal stories
  • Presentations with feedback from the group and the teacher
  • Pop-up presentations, clinic, wrap up and evaluation
9 februari 2025
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